Pleasure meeting you

Uzi Moses Ph.D.

I once believed life was a zero-sum game of winners and losers. Winning meant working hard, "thinking positive," closing the right deal, and getting what I wanted. However, in 2016, after founding several multimillion-dollar businesses and starting a beautiful family and international network of friends, I found myself depressed and divorced. It was the most challenging time in my life. The conflict, emotion, and struggle seemed like an unseen force holding me back. I was determined to find my way and seek the answers. Studying the nature of emotions in a university setting, pursuing my true purpose, and delving deep into spirituality helped me make peace in my relationships, achieve even greater success, and support others in the process. I realized that life wasn't about me and my own ego. There was and is a bigger picture and purpose to life than beyond what I alone could achieve or accumulate, and being part of it only made me stronger, happier, and more abundant, no matter the challenges. In August 2022, I published a best-selling book and decided to expand my work and expose as many people as possible to this knowledge while rediscovering my unique powers and strengths. That’s when The Uzi Moses Experience Podcast was born. I am on a mission to help the world overcome the absurdity of life’s pain and chaos and get to what’s real. Supported by my Rabbi ordination, a Ph.D. in spiritual psychology and certifications as a Master CBT and REBT Mindset coach and decades of study in Jewish spiritual wisdom, I help individuals, couples, and groups as their holistic wellbeing facilitator. I also work one on one with influencers, leaders, and entrepreneurs to reach mastery of their mindset, emotions, and mission so they can influence more, live more, be happier and grow their income and impact with greater purpose and meaning in every area of life. There’s a bigger picture to life, and you are part of it. Find out about my in-person activation events, speaking engagements, and personal mentorship programs.

Uzi Moses Ph.D.

Uzi Moses' Methods

Best of both worlds - Science and Spirituality


Get a new pair of glasses to see the world. Enter a new realm of existence.

The Story

Discover the story you are telling yourself that blocks happiness and blessings to enter your life and change it.

Your Soul

The more dominant your soul is the more alive you are. Let's understand what your soul needs to overcome to fully thrive.

Your Mission

Living your mission is living more fully. A purposeful life is full of meaning, happiness, and growth.

Founder's Education and Experience

Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy.

Specializing in Spiritual Psychology and Counseling


Field of expertise:





CBT Cognitive Behavior Life Coach

REBT Mindset Life Coach

Ordained Rabbi

The Zohar - is a foundational work in the literature of Jewish mystical thought known as Kabbalah

1997- Present

The Tanya - is an early work of Hasidic philosophy, by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of Chabad Hasidism, first published in 1796.

2003 - Present


Uzi Started his first business at age 17 while on vacation in New York City. That makes it over 30 years of serial entrepreneurship experience.


Get help wherever you are

On top of face-to-face coaching, we also offer online coaching sessions for anyone and everyone. Ask about our hybrid packages that include both in-person and online coaching.

Happy Clients


Dolores K.

Uzi's Influencer Mindset Coaching has really helped me overcome some past paralyzing trauma I had been keeping under a lid for a long time. Now, I feel happier and more confident in my life and feel like I can walk with my head held high.

Anthony M.

Coming from a competitive sports background, the injury that ended up making me give up my career was a hard blow. With Influencer Mindset Coaching, I was able to start building my identity around other things than just sports.